Check if you've been discriminated against because you're pregnant, had a pregnancyrelated illness or took maternity leave. Request for Pregnancy Disability Leave; Retaliation for Protesting Discrimination; Request for Leave for an Employee's Own Serious Health Condition.The law says that it is pregnancy discrimination to treat a woman unfavourably because of her pregnancy or pregnancy-related illness. DFEH found cause to believe a violation of the. Fair Employment and Housing Act had occurred and filed suit in Contra Costa County Superior. The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibits discrimination and harassment based on pregnancy. The person could make a claim to an employment tribunal if they believe they've been discriminated against because of pregnancy and maternity. Pregnancy discrimination is against the law. The EEOC enforces three federal laws that protect job applicants and employees who are pregnant. The 1978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act amended Title VII to include pregnancy as a protected catego- ry.