Request for Pregnancy Disability Leave; Retaliation for Protesting Discrimination; Request for Leave for an Employee's Own Serious Health Condition. The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibits discrimination and harassment based on pregnancy.Employers that have at least five employees cannot discriminate against you based on your pregnancy. Employers with at least five employees are prohibited from discriminating against pregnant women. Do you believe you have been discriminated against at work because of your pregnancy? Watch this video to learn about filing a pregnancy discrimination claim. If you have experienced pregnancy related discrimination in the workplace, contact a Los Angeles Pregnancy Discrimination Attorney at Clark Employment Law. If you have experienced pregnancy related discrimination in the workplace, contact a Los Angeles Pregnancy Discrimination Attorney at Clark Employment Law. The Walnut Creek employment attorneys at Erlich Law Firm are dedicated to standing up for workers who have suffered pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. PCG serves all of Contra Costa County.