Upon reporting for service jurors can expect to serve for the duration of one trial. To file a civil lawsuit, you must complete a Complaint form, a Summons form as well as a Civil Division Action Cover Sheet.To be eligible for jury service, you must be a citizen of the United States; at least 18 years old; a resident of the county; not have a pending lawsuit. Download and complete Appearance and Jury Request Forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts. Six jurors, plus alternates, must be selected to hear the case. The Illinois Supreme Court mandated Cook County to Utilize the Statewide Electronic Filing System (eFileIL) for Civil Case Filings in Cook County. Did you get a Summons to Jury Service in the Mail? All instructions are in pdf format. A plaintiff in a small claim and a claimant in a commercial claim or consumer transaction is deemed to have waived the right to a jury trial. COUNTY DEPARTMENT - LAW DIVISION.