This notice informs the Charging Party that they have the right to file a lawsuit in federal court within 90 days from the date of its receipt. Once you've filed the complaint, you have 90 days to initiate a civil lawsuit under the federal law.If you are fired during your probation period as an employee, can you sue for wrongful termination? A lawsuit based on your federal discrimination claim must be filed in federal or state court within 90 days of the date you receive the notice. Can I sue the company if they fired me with in my 90 day probation. I'm located within Las Vegas and I was wrongfully. You can as long as you haven't signed a severance agreement and passed the revocation period (seven days post signature in most agreements). You are not allowed to file a lawsuit in court until you receive what is called a "Right to Sue Letter" or "Notice of Right to Sue". Female worker in factory warehouse on tablet. Can an employer terminate me without advance notice or without giving a reason or an unfair reason for the termination?