My employer fired me for an unfair reason, or for no reason at all. You have a total of 180 days to file a lawsuit with an employment attorney, which can be filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).Before you can file a wrongful termination lawsuit, you need permission from the state EEOC office. To schedule a consultation with our experienced New York wrongful termination lawyer, call (866) 229-9441 or complete an online form! The first step in proving wrongful termination is identifying the legal basis for the claim. In both NJ and NY, employment is typically "at-will." Wrongful termination means firing someone for an illegal reason. Even in at-will employment states, employers cannot fire employees for illegal reasons. You can find many of the court forms you need to start, respond to, or take another step in your case below. To sue for wrongful dismissal, work with an experienced attorney to ensure your claim is filed within the statute of limitations.