Judge Sean C. Gallagher, Ohio Court of Appeals, 8th District. THE SAM SHEPPARD MURDER CASE ‑ For some, the ultimate who done itMrs. Hale seeks damages amounting to the difference between her actual salary and the salary she would have earned as Coordinator. Terry appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1967. Later known as the "stop and frisk" case, Terry v. Kenny Phillips, Michael Sutton, and their lawyers claim authorities hid evidence that would have proved their innocence in a 2006 shooting. Org or call (216) 664-4790 during normal operating hours. Motherappellant, C.R. ("Mother"), appeals from the juvenile court's judgment granting permanent custody of her minor child, L.H., to appellee,. After leaving the legislature, Gorman became a Judge in the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court. Cuyahoga Falls Law Director Virgil Arrington is confident he can prevail in court.