You must be in ODRC custody when you make your request and, to have charges dismissed, you must be in ODRC custody for the entire 180 day waiting period. Org or fax the form to (216) 664-4299.Standard 12-2.2 Commencement and setting of speedy trial time limit. Most Ohio courts have their own affidavit forms for you to fill out. You can request these from the clerk at your local court. To participate, click here to complete a Plea of Guilty Without Personal Appearance Form. A handy guide to quick answers about various court-related issues. The right to a speedy trial only applies in criminal cases. Official homepage Cayuga Community College is part of SUNY, the State University of New York. Our gyms and coaches support you in a way no one else can with the best fitness and holistic help inside the gym – and out.