A written demand for a jury must be filed no later than 14 days before the date a case is set for trial. It simply means that the lawyers must approach the bench to ask for permission to present the evidence outside the earshot of the jury.The questionnaire is used to determine your legal eligibility to serve as a juror for our court. Rule 38 preserves the right to a jury trial in civil cases, requiring a specific demand within 14 days after the last pleading directed to the issue. The court shall designate the days for taking up the jury docket and the trial of jury cases. It means that her attorney wants a jury to decide the case instead of a judge. Answered on Feb 24th, 2013 at PM. Report Abuse. Receiving a summons for jury duty does not mean that you will actually serve on a jury. If an objection is filed, the referring court shall hear the trial on the merits or preside at a jury trial. Summons to Appear to Complete Juror Qualification Form, Jury Forms.