It's important to contact a Dallas employment attorney if you are experiencing pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. Request Workplace Changes for Your Religion, Disability, or Pregnancy, Childbirth or Related Medical Conditions.You can submit your complaint online with the Employment Discrimination Complaint Form. Our Dallas pregnancy discrimination attorneys represent women who have been discriminated against in the workplace because of pregnancy. If you believe you have a pregnancy discrimination issue, contact employment law attorney Karen Fitzgerald in Dallas for an evaluation of your claim. Hersh Law Firm dedicates significant time helping employees who are subject to age, sex, pregnancy, and other forms of illegal discrimination. An experienced pregnancy discrimination attorney will provide representation on your behalf during necessary court procedures or settlement negotiations. One cannot discriminate against pregnant people without discriminating based on sex. This legislation dictates employers must not discriminate against employees or prospective employees due to pregnancy or childbirth. Pregnancy Discrimination - Dallas Employment Litigation Lawyer.