The Law Office of Rob Wiley, P.C. represents Texas employees in wrongful termination cases. At the Law Offices of Dan A. Atkerson, we are committed to helping workers in the greater Dallas area successfully file their claim for wrongful termination.This article tells you about what you can and cannot be fired for in the workplace. Show 6 more Show 6 less. Wrongful termination happens when your employer fires you for an illegal reason. False allegations and rumors at your workplace can lead to wrongful termination. Seek Legal Counsel – Consult an experienced lawyer who focuses on wrongful accusation cases. Categories: Atwill; Wrongful termination; Retaliation Claims; Fair Pay; Wage and Hour; Tipped Employees. Texas has defamation laws that protect individuals and businesses from wrongful allegations that damage their reputations. Seek Legal Counsel – Consult an experienced lawyer who focuses on wrongful accusation cases.