This forms packet contains one Civil Rights Complaint Form and one Affidavit of Indigency form. To report a civil rights violation to the United States Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Florida please complete this form and submit via email.The Commission offers mediation services, providing a free and impartial way to solve conflicts, and enforces Florida's Civil Rights and Fair Housing laws. These laws prohibit discrimination, protect the constitutional rights of residents of this District, and ensure equal opportunity for all. Filing a complaint – You must file a signed and verified complaint with the Commission to begin the investigative process. Submit this completed form at least seven days before your scheduled court appearance or other court activity. The Florida court system is comprised of the Supreme Court, six district courts of appeal, 20 circuit courts and 67 county courts. Case Managers and employees of the Clerk of Court's Office cannot give legal advice or help you fill out forms. CIRCUIT - CIVIL DIVISION. Note that the Civil Cover.