Pregnancy discrimination is against the law. The EEOC enforces three federal laws that protect job applicants and employees who are pregnant.The new laws greatly expand protections for pregnant, postpartum, and nursing employees in significant ways. There are both federal and Florida laws that protect pregnant employees from being passed over for promotions, fired, or released from contract. There are both federal and Florida laws that protect pregnant employees from being passed over for promotions, fired, or released from contract. Note: If you have filed a Federal EEOC Complaint, do not proceed with completing an FCHR Employment Discrimination Complaint. Both federal law and Florida law prohibit discrimination against pregnant workers due to their pregnancy status. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act protects the rights of pregnant women in the workplace. In Florida, the statute of limitations for pregnancy discrimination claims is generally 365 days from the date of the discriminatory action. State law in Florida also prohibits pregnancy discrimination through the Florida Civil Rights Act.