A local court may summon you for jury duty, which may include jury selection and serving as a juror in a trial. A civil case results from a disagreement or dispute between two or more parties.Section 15-12-122 - Demand of jury panels from which to select jury in civil actions in the state courts and the superior courts. If you have been summoned for jury service, please click the Juror Questionnaire button below and fill out the questionnaire. In order to exempted from jury service, you must fill out an affidavit and email, fax or mail it to our office. If you have any jury service-related questions, please call the Jury Services office at 912-652-7170. The Northern District of Georgia is a two-step court which means that jurors must first be "qualified" before they are eligible to become a juror. Juror check-in will begin approximately 15 minutes before the reporting time. Typically, eviction cases are filed in Magistrate court, and that court cannot offer you a jury trial. Do I have to respond to the jury summons?