Have the person that mailed the Demand for a Trial de Novo fill out an Affidavit of Service for the Demand and sign it in front of a notary. Fill in the name of the person who filed the motion asking the court to vacate the order for judgment. 2.Trial De Novo (for Arbitration Only). Complete the form above called DEMAND FOR TRIAL DE NOVO. 1. Have an adult, not involved in the court case, mail a copy of the completed DEMAND. How do you appeal a judgment of Conciliation Court? Probate courts or lower minor municipal courts may permit a Trial de Novo under certain circumstances such as an illegal ruling or awarding. Plaintiff. Docket No. VS. Arbitration Date: Defendant. The arbitration hearing in the above-captioned matter was held on . Want to stay in the know about new opinions from the Minnesota Supreme Court?