2. Labor — Termination of Employment — Wrongful Discharge. Wrongful termination is getting fired for an illegal reason.Most jobs are at-will, meaning your boss can fire you for any reason or no reason. Lawful source of income (in housing only); Retaliation for opposing unlawful discriminatory practices. To find out if your situation entitles you to relief for constructive discharge, talk to an experienced California wrongful termination lawyer. Intolerable work conditions leading to an involentry resignation. Fill out a simple form about your situation and we will contact you! The opportunity for McCalister to voluntarily resign (rather than involuntary dismissal) would allow McCalister to retain his law enforcement certification. For almost two decades, our Marion County, Florida wrongful discharge attorneys have represented employees in fighting against abusive employment practices. The other person will get a copy of everything that you write in the petition and all of the court papers.