The Indiana Civil Rights Commission (ICRC) enforces the civil rights laws of the State of Indiana. We investigate complaints of discrimination.The National Judicial Data Grid listed total pending criminal cases in the court system at more than 33.4 million as of October 25. On Monday 20 June, 2022, Honourable Dr Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, from India's Supreme Court, delivered a distinguished lecture at King's College The government used foreign funding regulations and allegations of financial irregularities to harass rights groups, political opponents, and others. According to the Ministry of Law and Justice, there were 381 judicial vacancies out of 1,108 positions on the 25 high courts as of July. Stay up to date on the state of human rights in India with the latest research, campaigns and education material from Amnesty International. In the Commission"s view, this can be done under the auspices of the National Human Rights Commission set up under section 3 of the. Politics, and Culture, supra n. Thereafter such number shall appear on the outside cover and first page to the right of the caption of every paper tendered for filing in the action.