In a civil case, the judge will tell you how many jurors must agree in order to reach a verdict. Focus on "filling in the blanks" of the jury instructions particular to your case.Be sure you name the Defendant correctly. Gov (link sends e-mail) Personal Assistance: (213) 894-3644, Monday through Friday, am to If you are assigned to a courtroom for jury selection or serve on a trial, you will continue your service until the trial is completed. In California, there are two main sets of civil jury instructions: CACI and BAJI. These are used to tell the jurors what law to apply to their case. To complete your questionnaire, obtain your juror status, request a postponement, excuse or disqualification, click the link below. General disqualification--that the juror is disqualified from serving in the action on trial. This state trial court is an L A County Superior Court with jurisdiction over cases that take place in the county of Los Angeles.