Learn about the basic elements of a jury trial. Focus on "filling in the blanks" of the jury instructions particular to your case.Civil Courthouses Civil Forms Civil Glossary Court Rules - The rules governing legal proceedings in the Los Angeles Superior Court. Our four Self-Help Legal Access Centers have how-to guides that show you how to fill out many of the civil court forms for Los Angeles Superior Court. Gov (link sends e-mail) Personal Assistance: (213) 894-3644, Monday through Friday, am to Be sure you name the Defendant correctly. Judicial Council Forms provide you with an easy "check-the-box" format and are available for many civil, family law and criminal cases. In civil cases, a jury may only be waived pursuant to subdivision (f). A jury trial is sometimes called "a jury of one's peers," because the jury is made up of members of the community. The judge knows approximately how long the trial will take and he or she will give you an idea when your group is called for jury selection.