Filing Motions: If your right to a speedy trial is compromised, your attorney can file motions to dismiss the charges or seek other remedies. Find out more information about speedy trial rights or if you have any questions about a Maryland criminal case, Call toll free at (888) 736-0807.The defendants filed a motion to dismiss the cases based upon the constitutional right to a speedy trial and the Maryland Rules. The Wingo standard requires that any delay in your trial must be unreasonable and prejudicial in order for you to demand a speedy trial. This is the first of a multipart article on speedy trial issues. This article and the next article will address Maryland. Therefore, a criminal defendant in Maryland must waive his or her right to a speedy trial to accept a stet offer. If the respondent is not detained pending trial, counsel will ordinarily not want to advance the date of pretrial hearings or the trial.