Do I need a wrongful termination lawyer? We strongly recommend booking a consultation with an experienced Maryland employment lawyer right out of the gate.This article covers some of the common legal grounds you might have for suing your employer in Maryland for wrongful termination. This post provides basic information about when, where, and how to take the first step to file common types of wrongful termination claims. In the US, there is federal protection from being fired if you are ill for up to 12 weeks. The answer for employees in Maryland is, "It depends. " There are certain federal and state laws that do protect employees from being fired for certain reasons. Exceptions. Maryland law recognizes several exceptions to the common law rule of at-will employment. The disqualifications under Sections 8-1001 through 8-1003 are based on the reason for the claimant's present state of unemployment. Yes, taking too many sick days can be grounds for termination.