A Civil Action Cover Sheet must be filed in each civil case entered into Superior Court. The Massachusetts Constitution guarantees the right to a jury trial in virtually all criminal prosecutions and provides for jury trials in civil cases.You must complete a summons for each defendant and present each summons to the Clerk who will sign and place the court seal on each summons. When a jury reaches a verdict, the foreperson must fill in a special verdict form and sign and date it. Interested in the Massachusetts jury selection process? Read F. Robert Allison's blog post to learn the ins and outs of jury selection in MA. The trial judge in each case has discretion to determine a procedure for examining and selecting jurors designed to maintain juror privacy and dignity. Please read this Handbook carefully so that you will be better prepared to serve as a trial juror. If you are selected to serve, the judge. Call the courthouse to find out if cell phones, laptops, cameras, knitting needles, or similar items are permitted in the jury pool at that court.