It is against the law to terminate an employee or refuse to hire an applicant because she is pregnant or because of a pregnancy-related condition, or to. The Division of Human Rights complaint form is available at the below link.You may use this form to file and submit your complaint online. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) is an amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This means that employers cannot base hiring, firing, promotions, or other employment decisions on an employee's pregnancy or related medical conditions. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) and other provisions of the New York State Human Rights Law prohibit discrimination based on an employee's pregnancy. The NYCHRL prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment, public accommodations, and housing on the basis of actual or perceived pregnancy. Attorneys must meet stringent qualifications and prove they practice in the area of law they're verified in. A female physician shakes hands with a female, senior patient wearing a cardigan. Painless swelling of the feet and ankles is a common problem, especially among older people.