The NYCHRL prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment, public accommodations, and housing on the basis of actual or perceived pregnancy. To file a complaint: Visit the Division's website, at WWW.DHR.NY.GOV, and download a complaint form. This document provides guidance regarding the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act as they apply to pregnant workers. Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA): Federal law that protects pregnant workers from discrimination. It applies to employers with 15 or more employees. Ready to request a reasonable accommodation under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act? The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is issuing this final rule and interpretive guidance to implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. The PDA also addresses harassment based on pregnancy and bans retaliation against workers for making complaints about pregnancy discrimination. This case law review looks at important developments in the law dealing with discrimination based on pregnancy and breastfeeding between 2008 and January 2014.