Under New York law, it is illegal for your employer to treat you differently because you are breastfeeding. The NYCHRL prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment, public accommodations, and housing on the basis of actual or perceived pregnancy.Pregnancy discrimination is against the law. The EEOC enforces three federal laws that protect job applicants and employees who are pregnant. The law says that it is pregnancy discrimination to treat a woman unfavourably because of her pregnancy or pregnancy-related illness. It is unlawful to treat a pregnant employee unfairly because of a pregnancyrelated illness and absence. The law also requires that an employer knew or should have known about the employee's pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition. You cannot withdraw a job offer because you find out that the candidate is pregnant. This would be pregnancy discrimination. All women are entitled to take up to 52 weeks maternity leave and return to work, and employers should assume that 52 weeks will be taken.