It is against the law to terminate an employee or refuse to hire an applicant because she is pregnant or because of a pregnancy-related condition, or to. The NYCHRL prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment, public accommodations, and housing on the basis of actual or perceived pregnancy.New York City law prohibits employers with four or more employees from making hiring, firing, or any other employment decisions based on pregnancy. Pregnancy discrimination is illegal under New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania state and federal laws. Under New York pregnancy discrimination law, employers cannot reduce your hours or benefits, demote or terminate you. The goal is not to have every component of a case already laid out. To prove a pregnancy discrimination case in New York, a pregnancy discrimination lawyer will usually look for circumstantial evidence. Under New York pregnancy discrimination law, employers cannot reduce your hours or benefits, demote or terminate you. What Is Pregnancy Discrimination? As a pregnant woman in the workplace, you are entitled to the same treatment as any other temporarily disabled employee.