Learn about the options for filing a charge of discrimination with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission. By calling the Supreme Court of Ohio Office of the Clerk at 614.387.9530 and asking that a copy be mailed to you. Stay up to date on the state of human rights in India with the latest research, campaigns and education material from Amnesty International. The Ohio Supreme Court has held that Ohio's Due Course of Law provision protects substantive as well as procedural due process rights. The Ohio Court of Claims was created to hear claims against the state for money Damages and to hear appeals from Attorney General decisions. The Ohio Department of Youth Services oversees the confinement and rehabilitation of juvenile felony offenders in the state. Court of Claims. (Id. The Civil Rights Division may be able to help. The judiciary of India (ISO: Bhārata kī Nyāyapālikā) is the system of courts that interpret and apply the law in the Republic of India.