(B) The right of a person to a jury trial is waived under the circumstances prescribed in the Rules of Civil Procedure or the Rules of Criminal Procedure. In that only legal causes of action are tried to a jury, a court must first determine whether the case is to be tried in equity or.Under Ohio law, parties proceeding in civil cases without counsel cannot be granted any special consideration merely because they are representing themselves. In both a jury and a bench trial, you have a right to make the state of Ohio bring the witnesses they have against you into court and testify. Jurors normally are asked to report at AM or other times as specified in the jury message. The typical court day is from -. What types of cases are tried in the Federal Court? In both a jury and a bench trial, you have a right to make the state of Ohio bring the witnesses they have against you into court and testify. How do I fill out the claim form? Eight jurors and one alternate juror will be selected to serve and all others will be released.