The day before your summoned date, check When to Report or call 561-355-2930 or 888-780-5032. These divisional instructions, Orders Setting Trial and Pre-Trial procedures and other forms.The parties are encouraged to propose alternatives. Free Consultation - Call 954.928. The national eJUROR Program gives a potential juror the flexibility of responding online to their jury qualification questionnaire. If you have summoned to jury duty and have a question or would like to request an excusal, you should contact the jury manager in the county where you live. You may fill out an affidavit at the Clerk's office which will place your name on the list of those eligible for selection. The Florida Legislature has mandated that our courts use the one-day or one trial system of jury selection. In the impending trial ultimately reaps huge dividends during the fast paced, adrenaline-pumping. 'final act,' that we call the trial.