You may obtain a trial date before completing mediation, but you must complete mediation prior to trial. This action is set for Non-Jury Trial on the Court's Trial Docket sometime between and (9-WEEK DOCKET).When is my next court date? Also you can only demand a jury trial in West Palm Beach within ten days of a relevant pleading. Do you know what those pleadings are? Call (561) 746-7076 for a 5 minute free consultation. This program is open to all people who have pending felony (or misdemeanor) drug charges other than trafficking or sales. A plaintiff may make an inspection demand on any other party without leave of court after service of the initial pleading and process on that party. Fla. They'll also conduct any additional investigation such as securing witnesses, and file the final pre-trial motions. 8. Trial. Otherwise, as the Supreme Court has stated, the trial court enjoys broad discretion in the conduct of a new trial.