Learn about wrongful termination laws in Pennsylvania, including your rights and options for legal recourse. To initiate a lawsuit, you or your attorney must file a complaint in court, alleging that your employer violated your legal rights.Pennsylvania is an "atwill" employment state, meaning employers can terminate an employee at any time. Pennsylvania is an "atwill" statemeaning employers can fire their workers at any time, for any reason or no particular reason at all. To sue for wrongful termination, you'd need evidence that the real reason you were fired was discrimination (e.g. Below are examples of situations where an employee would have a valid wrongful termination claim based on the public policy exception. Pennsylvania courts have created an exception to the employment at-will rule for terminations that violate public policy. Pennsylvania is considered an "atwill" employment state. Shortly thereafter, Defendant terminated Plaintiff. If wrongfully terminated, review your employment contract, document the termination, and gather supporting evidence.