Learn about wrongful termination laws in Pennsylvania, including your rights and options for legal recourse. A plaintiff must show evidence, such as a breach of contract or recorded instances of discrimination.A lawyer can help a worker with their case. If you are the victim of wrongful termination in Philadelphia, call us at (215) 391-4790 for a free consultation. To sue for wrongful termination, you'd need evidence that the real reason you were fired was discrimination (e.g. In order to file a complaint, fill out and sign the Wrongful Discharge From Parking Employment Complaint form. In the state of Pennsylvania, wrongful termination is based mostly on AtWill employment laws. If the reason for firing staff meets legal requirements, it can be with or without cause. How should I conduct a termination meeting? In an atwill employment state, an employer may terminate an employee at any time and for any reason, so long as that reason is not illegal.