To request a postponement, follow the instructions in the Juror Affidavit Questionnaire or Summons or contact the court in which you are scheduled to appear. Learn all that you need to know after responding to a jury summons to serve as a member of the jury in Maricopa County.Information for Jurors. Potential jurors must complete the juror qualification questionnaire. Prior to your appearance date you may call our automated phone system (1-877-785-1415) or click here to find out the status of your excuse request. Plaintiff's Demand for Jury Trial, CVC11F. The Judge must decide if questions asked of prospective jurors about their qualifications are proper. In its demand, a party must specify the issues for which it requests a jury. In a felony jury trial, the first notable event on trial day is the selection of the jury. Im not sure if the form is online for anyone to fill out but I remember emailing first and they gave me the link to request for a different day.