NIDDK's Phoenix Epidemiology and Clinical Research Branch conducts clinical trials on obesity and diabetes in Phoenix, Arizona. Clinical trials are research studies that involve people who participate voluntarily.Clinical trials are studies to test new drugs, already approved drugs, devices, or other forms of treatments. The concept for a clinical trial starts with scientific research in a laboratory, where a potential new treatment is tested in cell and animal models. A Phase 1 trial is a small study to test a new drug or treatment in people for the first time to see if it's safe and determine the best dose. Participating in a clinical study at Celerion generally requires one or more overnight stays at our clinic and may include return visits or at-home dosing. Improvements in medicine wouldn't be possible without clinical trials. Find a clinical trial for neurology and neurosurgery at Barrow in Phoenix, AZ. We compare P21 Community to P21 Enterprise for clinical trial data validation and answer the question: when to level up to Enterprise? Thinking of participating in a cancer clinical trial?