The NYCHRL prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment, public accommodations, and housing on the basis of actual or perceived pregnancy. It is against the law to terminate an employee or refuse to hire an applicant because she is pregnant or because of a pregnancy-related condition, or to.Pregnancy discrimination is illegal under New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania state and federal laws. I notified my manager of my current pregnancy 2 weeks ago and this week I was fired. New York State law gives you an explicit right to reasonable pregnancy accommodations at work so you can keep earning a paycheck when you need it most. Pregnant employees have the right to a wide range of accommodations under new federal regulations for enforcing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. The U.S. Supreme Court's recent Young vs. UPS case added quite a few new protections for women who face pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. Women are protected against on-the-job pregnancy discrimination under the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the Family Medical Leave Act. Harassment based on pregnancy or a pregnancyrelated medical condition is not allowed under the PDA and ADA.