The Superior Court of California, County of Riverside will, in a fair, accessible, effective, and efficient manner, resolve disputes arising under the law. Follow the steps below to determine the correct court location for filing court documents for Civil, Family Law, Juvenile, Probate, and Appeals cases.The European Court of Human Rights is an international court based in Strasbourg, France. Download the ECHR appeal form and read all the useful information for filling it out. Only the official facsimile can be used. 3470 Twelfth Street Riverside, CA 92501-3801 Business Hours am to pm Monday through Friday, excluding court-observed holidays. To submit an application, applicants should use the application form, which is available online and must be filled out in its entirety. The coalition agreement commits the Government to the European convention on human rights and the Strasbourg Court. As it turns out, no. In a groundbreak- ing study of personality as a predictor of longevity, UC Riverside researchers found just the opposite.