Our wrongful termination lawyers can help you recover financial compensation if you've been fired or laid off in a prohibited way. Call (619) 839-9978.Turn to the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker when you need help from a wrongful termination attorney in Riverside CA. Get help with discrimination claims. The courts have found many exceptions to at-will employment firings unlawful. Determine if you have a case. Please call Theory Law at (310) 500-0206 to speak with a Riverside wrongful termination attorney. Riverside County Wrongful Termination Lawyers. Steven M. Sweat, APC has been helping people in wrongful termination claims for over two decades. Our legal team has experience in all areas of labor law from agency claims processes to settlement negotiations to the court system and more. Our skilled attorneys handle all types of employment matters, including cases of discrimination, wrongful termination, harassment, and wage and hour disputes.