Determine if you have a case. An experienced wrongful termination lawyer can walk you through each step of the process.This notice allows you to move right into the lawsuit process without having the DFEH investigate the claim of wrongful termination. Steven M. Sweat, APC has been helping people in wrongful termination claims for over two decades. Fill out the form below or feel free to call us at 866-536-5788 to learn more about your rights and options during a free case consultation. Our experienced Riverside employment law attorneys can evaluate your case today to determine whether the termination can result in a wrongful termination claim. If you think you may have been unlawfully terminated from your job, be sure to speak with a Riverside wrongful termination lawyer. To claim for being terminated from a job, Riverside workplace discrimination lawyer will help to navigate this time-consuming process. This notice gives you the right to file a lawsuit against your former employer in state or federal court within a set time period. We are trial attorneys, and if need be, we're prepared to stand up for your rights in court.