As you may have suspected, there isn't one surefire way to create a wrongful termination case. Here, we discuss how to file a wrongful termination lawsuit and pursue just compensation for losses.Learn more about the grounds needed to bring a Sacramento wrongful termination case. Call Erkel Law, P.C. today. When someone files a discrimination complaint, CRD evaluates the facts and decides whether to accept the case for investigation. Clark Employment Law is intimately familiar with wrongful termination law, Sacramento courts, and some of the area's most prominent employers. If you were fired based on false accusations made against you, you may have the right to file a wrongful termination claim here in California. Many, if not most, employees believe that "wrongful" in the context of wrongful termination means unfair, hurtful, or unjust. The word "wrongful" in the context of employment law means "illegal. You have up to three years to file a wrongful termination claim in California before the statute of limitations expires.