This means the court will always arrange a jury for felony trials unless the defendant says they do not want a jury and waive their right to one. I filled out the form online and was informed via email that I was qualified to serve jury duty and that no further action was required.(1) A trial jury consists of: (a) 12 persons in a capital case;. (b) eight persons in a noncapital first degree felony aggravated murder or other criminal case. Those of you assigned to a trial that is going forward will be escorted to the courtroom where the trial is taking place, and the selection process will begin. Rule 38 preserves the right to a jury trial in civil cases, requiring a specific demand within 14 days after the last pleading directed to the issue. If you want a jury trial, you must make a written demand at least 10 days prior to trial. To complete the Juror Questionnaire, click on this link. If we determine you are qualified for jury service, a Summons for Jury Service will be emailed. To file an Answer and Counterclaim with Jury Demand in the Utah Courts through Green Filing, you will want to follow these steps.