If you wish to make a court appearance you must call the clerk's office in which you were cited to appear to Reserve a Court Date. If you want to contest your traffic ticket, you can ask for a trial.You must ask for the trial before the due date on the notice you got from the court. Call (909) 481-4228 or (760) 241-9529 24 hours a day. Write 'not guilty' on the written declaration and hope for the officer to miss his chance to respond on time. When I show up at court for a trial for a speeding ticket, if the officer is present, can I then request for a continuance? It usually takes a few days for tickets to show in the court's system. But def call the municipal court and speak to a clerk on the phone. If you plead not guilty, then a trial date is assigned, usually 30 plus days in the future. I have requested "Trial By Declaration" and had a few questions on what can i say to increase my chances of winning.