In California, wrongful termination occurs when your employer fires you or lays you off for unlawful reasons. Wrongful TerminationLearn More.At Blue Sky Mediation Center, we have developed a process to help San Jose workers and employers navigate wrongful termination disputes. Call (408) 436-0789 or use our online form to set up an appointment with a wrongful termination defense lawyer in San Jose. CASE NUMBER: Personal Injury, Property Damage, or Wrongful Death. Wrongful Termination in California. One of the best ways to win a wrongful termination case in California is to hire a licensed wrongful termination attorney. If you think you have been wrongfully terminated, reach out to a San Jose wrongful termination attorney at the Law Offices of Joel P. Waelty. In order to win a wrongful termination case, you must be able to prove that you were laid off or fired for unlawful reasons. Under his leadership, our firm has successfully represented countless employees in wrongful termination cases just like yours.