Stay up to date on the state of human rights in India with the latest research, campaigns and education material from Amnesty International. All attorneys are required to file all documents with the Court through the eFileTexas.Gov electronic filing system. Supreme Court of India Cause List, Case Status, Daily Orders, Judgments, Office Report, Caveat, e-Filing, Display Boards, Hackathon 2024, Live Streaming Lax enforcement, a shortage of trained police officers, and an overburdened and underresourced court system contributed to a low number of convictions. The US Supreme Court ruling on March 19, 2024, that allows Texas state police to arrest and deport people Texas officials claim have entered the US illegally. The Indian Supreme Court's interventions to develop constitutional torts offer a key avenue to make monetary compensation for human rights violations possible. But in a future case, the stakes may be different, and the Court may face headon the Indian canons' legitimacy in statutory interpretation. Criminal. Standardized Felony Judgment Forms. Take other appropriate steps and actions to ensure compliance with civil rights laws and regulations to prevent discrimination in the provision of services.