This document provides guidance regarding the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act as they apply to pregnant workers. This article provides information on federal and state antidiscrimination laws, parental leave, returning to work, rights of nursing or lactating employees.Secure for persons in this state, including persons with disabilities, freedom from discrimination in certain employment transactions. A federal judge in Texas ruled that the legislation, known as the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, cannot be enforced in the state. To win a pregnancy discrimination case, you must show that you were treated differently than other employees who were similarly situated. Texas law prohibits employers with 15 or more employees from discriminating based on sex, which includes pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions. To win a pregnancy discrimination case, you must show that you were treated differently than other employees who were similarly situated. A federal judge in Texas ruled that the legislation, known as the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, cannot be enforced in the state. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 amended Title VII's anti-discrimination provisions to include pregnancy discrimination.