Have the person that mailed the Demand for a Trial de Novo fill out an Affidavit of Service for the Demand and sign it in front of a notary. To: the Clerk of the Court and all parties: 1.â–¡ I am the plaintiff in this case. Probate courts or lower minor municipal courts may permit a Trial de Novo under certain circumstances such as an illegal ruling or awarding. 6.12 A request for a de novo hearing limits the right of the person filing the request to a hearing before a judge on those master's findings,. Request for Trial De Novo. Form: PDF icon ARBITRATION Request for Trial DE NOVO.pdf. The master shall give notice to all parties of the right to request a de novo hearing before a judge. Many forms in Texas are not available in a fill-in-the-blank format. Customer: exchange the evidence: I am preparing trial de novo, and have questions about the evidence.