How do I file a whistleblower or retaliation claim in Utah? Generally: An employee may file a wrongful termination lawsuit in an appropriate court.Before filing a discrimination or retaliation lawsuit, you must file a complaint with the appropriate government agency. If you believe you've experienced wrongful termination, consider filing a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Contact Pearson Butler at (800) 2652314 with your questions about wrongful termination and other employment law claims. In this guide, we'll discuss how to file a lawsuit for termination, the critical stages involved, and what to anticipate during the legal process. File an Application for Hearing. Please fill out the required forms completely. If you were fired in retaliation for reporting unsafe or illegal work practices or products, you have whistleblower protections. For wrongful termination attorneys in Utah, contact the Salt Lake City Wage and Hour lawyers at Greg Smith and Associates at 801-651-1512.