This page contains information about how to file a Human Rights Complaint through the City of Charlottesville Office of Human Rights. The principle of universality of human rights is the cornerstone of international human rights law.The judges in criminal and civil court have different powers. Learn about the differences and what happens in criminal and civil court. United Nations GENERAL ASSEMBLY SIXTH SESSION Official Records THIRD COMMITTEE 402nd MEETING Thursday, 24 January 1952, at 3 p.m. These military courts lack judicial independence, transparency, and due process guarantees," the State Department said in a statement on Monday. Is a disAbility Law Center of Virginia podcast. IJM is a global organization that protects people in poverty from human trafficking, modern-day slavery, violence and police abuse of power. For example, as Beyond Pesticides has shown, courts tend to balance allegations of pesticide harms against corporations' right to make a profit. G4S is the world's leading integrated security company, providing security solutions to governments, businesses, and individuals in over 90 countries.