The questionnaires are used to determine if you are qualified to serve as a juror. You can complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire on-line or you can complete the form, sign it, and return it in the business reply envelope.You must fill out the Application for a Pro Se Summons form and submit it to the clerk in the county where you are suing, along with payment of the court fee. Those who are selected on a jury are required to serve on only one trial. On average, the length of a civil trial ranges from one or two days. Make an appointment to speak with attorney Hank Doyle about your case today. Call our Cary law firm at (984) 235-1067 or fill out the form below. Find out what to expect when you arrive, how to conduct yourself, and what you need to do when you serve as a juror. This handbook has been provided to you to answer general questions about serving as a juror in a Connecticut Superior Court. You can get information about jury duty for City, State, and Federal courts in New York City, including State Supreme Courts.