A demand, if not already provided, must be provided to the defendant(s) in advance of this conference so as to facilitate discussion at the conference. TITLE C General Principles Relating to Requirements For and Exemptions From Criminal Prosecution ARTICLE 30 Timeliness of Prosecutions and Speedy TrialIf the petitioner or respondent has properly filed a jury demand and paid the jury demand fee, the case will be tried before a jury. The Standards on Speedy Trial and Timely Resolution of Criminal Cases have three main purposes: (1) to effectuate the right of the accused to a speedy trial. It is a federal law. You can request documents that are relevant to your court case that the other party has access to. You can also request physical items to look at ("inspect"). If the trial is delayed significantly without a valid reason, it might still be possible to file a motion to dismiss based on this right. Search for case information or court dates, make payments. A defendant has a right to a speedy trial under the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution, but what this means is often unclear.