You have two ways to request a hearing to dispute your ticket: You can call (206) 684-5600 from Monday-Tuesday 8 a.m. Use this video as a guide to understanding your options for paying, mitigating, or contesting your tickets at SMC.You can request a hearing to dispute your ticket. Only the Olympia Municipal Court Judge may dismiss a parking ticket or reduce the fine. We suggest requesting a new court date as soon as you find out you are unavailable. For email submissions, enter "ASL Interpreter Request" in the subject line. The hearing request should include your name, hearing date and ticket number. Step 1 Request a hearing. There are three options printed on your ticket: Pay the fine, Ask for a Mitigation Hearing, or ask for a Contested Hearing. Individuals who wish to pursue self-representation in a traffic ticket case are typically required to complete the portion of the citation requesting a hearing.