Your lawyer's fees and costs - If you hire a lawyer to represent you in a wrongful termination case, the lawyer probably will do so on a contingency fee basis. Washington workers who believe they have been unlawfully treated at work, can file a Charge of Discrimination with WSHRC for free.Yes, an individual has a right to proceed with litigation on a pro se basis. It sounds, however, like you should speak with a local employment lawyer. If you believe you've been unlawfully dismissed, consult a lawyer immediately to assess the potential for a wrongful termination lawsuit. You also have the right to file your case without an attorney, which is known as proceeding, "pro se. In this guide, we'll discuss how to file a lawsuit for termination, the critical stages involved, and what to anticipate during the legal process. This article covers some of the common legal grounds you might have for suing your Washington employer for wrongful termination. Welcome to Washington State Courts.